
Saga of a woman old enough to know better who lets her life be governed by the ridiculous hobby of breeding and showing dogs, musing on life, the twenty first century, Cameron and his mini-me, and the occasional sheep.

Sunday, June 05, 2005


I have two lovely young dogs who are brothers. Florian, who gets a lot of attention in this blog, is the one who lives with me. Marcus lives wth a friend who handles him for me. And very well too.

Like many brothers, they are quite different. Florian is quiet, steady, reliable - and - oh yes, still a virgin. Marcus is pushy, bouncy arrogant - and a father.

At the moment Florian`s coat is coming along nicely for his age. Marcus, on the other hand, has decided to do what many young dogs between 13 and 16 months do - have a complete coat change. He is as a result just a tad challenged in the covering department - not bald, but a bit thin in places. And it`s only temporary.

The other day I got to handle Marcus at a Toydog show up north. It was an experience. A bit like a firecracker on the end of the lead, compared to Florian. But I got him going, and he moved well. He won the class.

Afterwards the judge, a friend, came and spoke to me.

"You have to do something about his backside! He`s got so little coat there just now, when he moves away from you, you seem to see nothing but his arsehole. Can you not powder it or something? At the moment his arsehole hits you in the face!"

This was truly an arresting image. I was, as often, silenced.

I`ve decided:
a) not to mention it to his handler
b) Not to hang a modesty veil from his tail.

As for Marcus - well, he would simply swagger a bit more and tell you that, until his coat grows in, you are privileged to have a really good view of the most attractive Papillon bahookie in Scotland.......

.......And that you just might be blinded by the sun shining out of it.
Hahaha... lovely post, really enjoyed reading it :)
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